Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Untouchable, Why Don't I Agree

Day 1
Today at (I will leave blank) they started to let people go. By letting go I mean fire people. The unknowing souls that got there lives changed didn't even see it coming. This is crazy. There is a thick feeling of shock and awe. ( Some one tell Bush this is how its done) There are a few Untouchables in the office that didn't seem to mind. Laughing and having a good time. Where the others, weren't.

Why do I feel like the phones are being monitored and the emails be checked? It went from being a fun safe work place to... Well lets just say that it isn't as fun. I have been told that I am an untouchable, why don't I agree? I see a lot of people looking at me as if I am wearing one of those bulls eyes. People seem to be really shocked but there eyes tell another story.

Day 2
Its starting all over. The President is in today. As I walked in the building at 8:03 am I was thinking just get to your desk and get busy. No one will notice you walked in 3 min after. As I am walking in, I see many other people walking in a little late too. It was storming pretty bad out. So I thought I would hide in line like ants, no one should notice me. As I turn the corner and make it to the danger zone of the long hallway I think this is it I can make it. Put it in high gear and go. To my surprise, I look up and there is someone walking towards me. Oh shit, its the President of the company. (What to do, what to do? I could make a B line to the mail room. No just keep walking he wont notice you. Then I take good look at him, our eyes meet and we both have the same look on our faces)
We are practically wearing the same outfit. Same color shirt, pants, and same color shoes. Oh man just my luck that I decide to be the CEO's twin today. As he walks in my direction he says:

Frank: Hello Dave
Daws122: Hello Frank
Frank: (In an awkward tone) Looking good today
Daws122: Thanks, you too

Then he holds out his hand to shake mine. (thinking to myself: Firm, not to firm but firm hand shake) So when I put my hand in his I grab tight and squeeze. POP! That was the noise I hear from his hand. Damn I hurt the guy I thought. What am I doing? I squeezed like there was juice coming out of his hand. He says nothing but why don't I feel okay. Instead of looking at him to see if it hurt I turned and took off to my off where I have been since.

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