Friday, September 01, 2006

Screen Names, Our Alter Egos

...Screen names our becoming our alter egos. I mean look at the crazy names that we pick for ourselves. I am Daws122 and there is Lada (shout out), Kit98, Shortstuff54666. Some of these I actually can and do use as names. Is this crazy talk? Does anyone really portray who they really are online? (I hope the answer to that is yes and no)

It can be scary out there. So we come up with these screen names that we in then use in our real lives outside in the real world. Okay, okay I know not everyone does so chill! I know my real name is Dave. But maybe in 40 years Dave will be obsolete. Maybe, our kids will be naming their kids FirstZion1, or Orbmatrix. Will this mean that we wont live our lives day-to-day like we are? Will we live in a Internet driven society more then it is today? This is crazy talk, I know.

Screen Names are the first step to moving into the age of creating alter egos. Soon we world of people that don't know who we really are.


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