Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Being The Job

Being the job these days seems really hard for people to get. You know maybe it's because they don't want to be the job. What does it mean to be the job you say? Well to me being the job means doing what it takes to be part of a successful business. I mean you have daily tasks to do, everyone does. But it's the difference between just doing you tasks and not caring to do anything else to be successful.

Here is an example. You get to work on time, and getting to your everyday rituals. Almost robotic instincts take over and you just do it everyday. The same things everyday. Well were does that leave us. Bored that's right! Very good you can say the answers out loud no one will care. But you're bored. Well if someone was the job they tend to not get bored as easy. Here is the reason why. When you are the job you do your daily routine and maybe switch it up alittle. If someone comes up to you and says hey I am so busy, you say what can I do to help? Then do it.

Being the job doesn't mean you're the Bitch. Bitch meaning doing all the shitty parts of the job. For sure there are shitty enjoyable part of any job, but they are in every job. I mean no one likes to do the dishes do they? Well they have to be done. Being the jobs means doing all parts of the job, making your self a hard worker that knows all parts of the business. Who is more valuable to the company then you? You or the person that is always bitching or the one that doesn't mind doing the bitch work.

As my brother once said to me, Hard work really pays off. Listen up, it really does payoff too. Always remember that you are getting paid to set goals and accomplish them. Remembering that the goals aren't always yours but sometimes the companies goals. They are paying you. Not the other way around. If you aren't happy with your pay well most likely you will do less work right. Well then in the long run you are getting paid enough. Some times potential is hidden in the job. So remember to be the job.

Confucius Say: To bitch you must first know what it is like to be the bitch.

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