Monday, September 25, 2006

I'm Al Bundy of TWC

Well I have been working at the mall for some time now. Sole Outdoors was the name of the store when I was hired and now it is called The Walking Company or TWC. As Track 'n Trail went out of buisness so did Sole Outdoors. So here I am working for yet another shoe company selling the same old shoes for I don't know how many years, maybe 6 now? (Russ any ideas?)

Well when I started you know I just wanted maybe 8 hours a week. Now I find myself working about 15 hours a week and becoming a key holder. Anyone that works alot of hours knows that you run into everyone at the mall. Meaning young, old, skinny, fat, you name it you see it. But when you have to deal with these crazy people it makes for some interesting selling stories.

It was a closing shift. I had been working for a few hours and a woman comes in and starts to shop the walls with her eyes. As a good employee, I greet her with-in the first 15 seconds.

Daws122: "Hello mam, how are you doing tonight?"
Woman: " Just looking"
Daws122: (thinking to myself, cool I didnt know I asked what she was doing. I mean I can see she is just looking, so I say:) "Well thats great what are you looking for?"
Woman: "shoes"
Daws122:(thinking to myself: Jesus, am I going to have to probe her for every thing, Shoot me now!) "well what kind of shoes?"
Woman:"Comfortable ones"
Daws122: (To myself: OMG No shit) " Well lets talk shoes... About 30 min. later I start to bring shoes out.

she eventually trys them on. Finds out that she picks 4 pairs of shoes to buy. I am thinking sweet big sale. The trouble was worth the effort. I then start showing shoe care products for her shoes that she was wearing into the store and how to take care of her new shoes. As I start to apply the product to her shoes they start to look brand new again. This woman was so impressed with this product. She said " I will take that!" So sweet I gather up her shoes and walk up to the cash wrap.

As I begin to ring up her shoes and the shoe care I give the total.

Daws122: Mam, that will be $563.32
Woman: Oh my for shoe care, that is expensive.
Daws122: No mam that is for the 4 pairs of shoes and the shoe care
Woman: Oh I just want the shoe care
Daws122: ( To myself: Holy shit, all that work and all she wants is shoe care. I lost a 500.00 sale to 5.95 shoe care product.) Okay that will be 5.95

So she opens her purse to pay and starts to rumage through it. Digging all over like she was a Gold Miner looking for a tiny chip of shiny goodness.
Woman: Oh my goodness, I dont have my debit card.
Daws122: Well we do take cash
Woman: Sorry I just dont have any. Could you hold that for me and I will be back?
Daws122: You want me to hold the shoe care?
Woman: Can you do that?

At this point I was about ready to strangle myself. Could it get worse. Well believe it or not it sure can. Anything can happen in retail. That is why I am the Al Bundy of TWC because it seems to only happen to me at that store. I am doomed.

bet on lotto numbers 3, 11, 17, 24,48 pb 12

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Being The Job

Being the job these days seems really hard for people to get. You know maybe it's because they don't want to be the job. What does it mean to be the job you say? Well to me being the job means doing what it takes to be part of a successful business. I mean you have daily tasks to do, everyone does. But it's the difference between just doing you tasks and not caring to do anything else to be successful.

Here is an example. You get to work on time, and getting to your everyday rituals. Almost robotic instincts take over and you just do it everyday. The same things everyday. Well were does that leave us. Bored that's right! Very good you can say the answers out loud no one will care. But you're bored. Well if someone was the job they tend to not get bored as easy. Here is the reason why. When you are the job you do your daily routine and maybe switch it up alittle. If someone comes up to you and says hey I am so busy, you say what can I do to help? Then do it.

Being the job doesn't mean you're the Bitch. Bitch meaning doing all the shitty parts of the job. For sure there are shitty enjoyable part of any job, but they are in every job. I mean no one likes to do the dishes do they? Well they have to be done. Being the jobs means doing all parts of the job, making your self a hard worker that knows all parts of the business. Who is more valuable to the company then you? You or the person that is always bitching or the one that doesn't mind doing the bitch work.

As my brother once said to me, Hard work really pays off. Listen up, it really does payoff too. Always remember that you are getting paid to set goals and accomplish them. Remembering that the goals aren't always yours but sometimes the companies goals. They are paying you. Not the other way around. If you aren't happy with your pay well most likely you will do less work right. Well then in the long run you are getting paid enough. Some times potential is hidden in the job. So remember to be the job.

Confucius Say: To bitch you must first know what it is like to be the bitch.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Smoke Break Heaven, No Thats Just Smoke

Smoke breaks are one of the biggest pet peeves. In the world we live in there is nothing you can do about them. Well till now. Business's in Michigan are making so that you can't smoke at all on that business property. They have even gone as far to fire people for smoking in their homes. Crazy, impossible you say. Well it's happened. The reason being, that the employer pays their insurance. You can figure out the rest.

But for me that isn't the worst part. It's that the
Smoke Break that really gets me. The coming into work and then complaining about "dude, I need a smoke" then every 20 minutes you take a 10 minutes smoke break. Then in between those smoke breaks you shake and the only thing you can say is "oh man it's so boring today, I'm gonna go smoke." or "I ask you to get a task done and you say "There is no way I could get that done, There isn't enough time" then take a smoke break.

I think this one really gets me the most is. When smokers are smoking outside (because they can't smoke inside) and they are smoking right in front of the entrance to a building. So the nonsmokers have to walk right in there smoke. Again affecting the people that don't want to have anything to do with it.

Hey, I am all for doing what ever you choose. As a manager, owner in a business, I believe it promotes lazy, and careless people. You need to be the Job.

So for us nonsmokers when you see white clouds near the entrance of a building you might think it's an angel floating about to protect you, it's not. It's a person with fag filling the air with vile smoke. Close your eyes, mouth, and nose and hope you don't run into the door.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Okay why is that people think that when you are giving out a phone number that a Zero turns into the letter 'O'? It drives me crazy! No even more when I go to a store to purchase some goods, and the associate behind the counter says that will be one thirty-two. 'O' eight. What the hell am I suppose to pay you with, sesame street cookies? I didn't realize that money came in the forms of letters.

Come on people I see this all the time. Money and letters don't belong together. Well what I mean is if I owe one thirty-two. 'O' eight. Then just say One hundred and thirty two dollars and eight cents please. It's not that difficult. I mean are we a world of idiots? I am starting to think we are.

Please do everyone a favor and correct them when they do this terrible thing. Maybe we can link this blog back to my last blog, called "Screen Names, Our Alter-Egos".

Friday, September 01, 2006

Screen Names, Our Alter Egos

...Screen names our becoming our alter egos. I mean look at the crazy names that we pick for ourselves. I am Daws122 and there is Lada (shout out), Kit98, Shortstuff54666. Some of these I actually can and do use as names. Is this crazy talk? Does anyone really portray who they really are online? (I hope the answer to that is yes and no)

It can be scary out there. So we come up with these screen names that we in then use in our real lives outside in the real world. Okay, okay I know not everyone does so chill! I know my real name is Dave. But maybe in 40 years Dave will be obsolete. Maybe, our kids will be naming their kids FirstZion1, or Orbmatrix. Will this mean that we wont live our lives day-to-day like we are? Will we live in a Internet driven society more then it is today? This is crazy talk, I know.

Screen Names are the first step to moving into the age of creating alter egos. Soon we world of people that don't know who we really are.

VMA'S more like the BMA'S

Well I don't know if I am just getting old but did the VMA'S just not seem the same? Is it that I am just getting to old for this or is it that the VMA'S are just getting old? Like a fine wine it should get better with age, unlike myself that is turning grey and feeling the affects of staying up all night.

Why don't they change the name from the VMA'S to the BMA'S? Boring Music Awards. When did it become the norm to wear 3 dangling necklaces that hang to your waist with diamonds all over it? Hey I get it your a star. But when your sporting a prep Polo with jeans that are baggy, and these necklaces what are you trying to say? Well, I don't know either so don't ask me.

The major question though. When did the VMA'S turn into the Oscars? These are music videos. What ever happened to the days were crazy rockers would climb up on some weird look thing on the stage? We are talking about a t.v. station that doesn't play music as often as a reality show.

Well I have to say that this Blog is in dedication to my best sister-in-Law Laura "Bora". To inspire me to Bitch for fun. I love you.